Question by ghettofabpeabody: Interesting Facts about Russia?
what are some interesting facts about russia? Also, is human trafficking still a serious issue in russia? and if so, is russia the largest human trafficking area in the world?
Photo Credit: archer10 (Dennis)/Flickr
Answers and Views:
Answer by Maybe M
russia influenced china to be a communist country because no other countries helped china in the chinese civil war.
Answer by Star25
Russia is the biggest country in the world
Russia spans 11 time zones
Russia is a transcontinental country, extending halfway around the northern hemisphere and covering much of eastern and north-eastern Europe and the whole of northern Asia
In terms of population, Russia is the ninth largest country in the world, even though it’s the world’s biggest country
There are 221 museums, 2,000 libraries, more than 80 theaters, 100 concert organizations, 45 galleries, 62 cinemas and 80 club establishments of culture in St Petersburg
Russians never shake hands over a door way, they believe it leads to arguments.
Russian language does not include a word for ‘the’ or ‘a’ which is good because these often lead to confusion in other languages
Russian language uses the Cyrillic alphabet instead of the Latin and is one of the 5 most spoken languages in the world
The Urals are the oldest mountains in the world and lake Baikal is the world’s deepest lake and the largest reservoir of fresh water on earth
Russia is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for various purposes. Russia is a source country for men and women trafficked to Germany, Turkey, Portugal, the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and South Korea for purposes of sexual exploitation.
Child sex tourism in Western Russia remains a problem. Moscow continues to be a significant destination for men and women trafficked within Russia and from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus for purposes of sexual exploitation.
Hope I answered your questions :).
Answer by Cogito
Russia produces the best Vodka in the world. In fact, it is so good and unique, that it aids in human procreation (down a few shots and suddenly someone who is as ugly as sin, who you would not even consider holding hands with if he/she were the last person on the planet, ends up nude, snuggled up to you cosily the following morning).
Answer by Alex N
Baikal is the deepest lake in the world
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