Question by AudreyBaby.: What are some of Trotsky’s writings from 1923 to his death in 1940?
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What are some of Trotsky’s writings from 1923 to his death in 1940 which were highly critical of Stalin and or the administration of the USSR?
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Answer by tunaears
try this website,
i can’t be bothered to plough through it and then tell you- lol- so you can look, i hope this helps.
it looks like a complete list of his wirtings with links to them on the list it starts in 1901 and ends 1940 (obviously)
hope this helps
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Spellbound says
Probably the most scathing of Stalin is "The Revolution Betrayed", published in 1937. In this work Trotsky compares Stalin's rise to power and his subsequent policies with the Thermidorian Reaction in the French Revolution when the radicals, led by Robespierre were removed form office and executed.
Other notable works are: "In Defence of Marxism" and "In Defence of October", both about the gains of the Bolshevik revolution and how the lessons learnt could, and should, be applied to other countries.
Trotsky was a a prolific writer, much of it, however, is frankly rather dull – about specific concerns within the USSR or in other countries.
This is the best website for his writings:…
And this is best for his life and interpretations of his ideas:
The best book for understanding Trotsky is:
Trotsky, A Biography by Robert Service