Question by Whoa.: What are the 3 demands made by the UN General Assembly to the Soviet Union in 1956?
What are the 3 demands made by the UN General Assembly to the Soviet Union in 1956?
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Answer by Charles K
International reaction
Although the United States Secretary of State recommended on 24 October-1956 that the United Nations Security Council convene to discuss the situation in Hungary, little immediate action was taken to introduce a resolution
Responding to the plea by Nagy at the time of the second massive Soviet intervention on 4 November -1956, the Security Council resolution critical of Soviet actions was vetoed by the Soviet Union; instead resolution 120 was adopted to pass the matter onto the General Assembly. The General Assembly, by a vote of 50 in favor, 8 against and 15 abstentions, called on the Soviet Union to end its Hungarian intervention, but the newly constituted Kádár government rejected UN observers ————– This is a list of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 101 to 200 adopted between 24 November 1953 and 15 March 1965.
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