Question by Jacob: What are the best quality Ak-47’s by country?
In general, which countries seem to export the highest quality AK-47’s?
I know Russia is the number 1, but please list for if you can, some sort of order, or at least place them in categories of quality.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jonathan
China is 2. It exports good Ak47ms and Ak47us. They aren’t amazing quality but have good durability.
Canada would be not making good qualities. We make good service rifles m2 style though.
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Mouseinarmor says
Russian AK’s are decent, all the rest are CRAP
Teknoman Saber says
The best AK-47 Type Rifles are the Finnish Valmet. If you want the Chinko-Clinko by Norinco then be my guest. The second in line are the Israeli AK-74 versions.
The Russian ones were very good for their time, but the Russians never made any improvements on them, just modifications to fit them for other applications, such as the paratrooper versions.
The AK-47 like the SKS were designed to be mass produced, for soldiers that needed a reliable and fairly accurate weapon. Unlike the M-16/AR-15 Stoner Platform Rifle, the AK-47 and SKS types concentrated more on quantity than quality.
When Russia attacked Finland and lost, the Finns took the AK-47 and the Mosin Nagant Designs and created their own versions of those rifles. The Valmet still serves today, and quite effectively I might add.
The Finns did what the Russians didn’t. They took the design and refined it into a very accurate combat rifle. Same to be said for their version of the Mosin Nagant Rifle. Their version of the Mosin Nagant far outperforms their Russian predecessor.
Good Luck and Happy Shooting.
Die Obama Die says
I have a russian one, and a Century arms one made here in the USA, I’ll take Century arms first.
Sniffmywaffles says
Kalashinkov said himself bulgarians are the best
Fatefinger says
Russian, Chinese (military not norinco), Bulgarian and Yugoslavian tend to be the best. There is also egyptian. As for what order I don’t know. There are simply to many armories to give a definite answer.
I would say go with Bulgarian. As chinese and russians are no longer being imported and legal ones in the States are hard to come by and expensive. Yugo’s and Egyptians you simply don’t see as often.
Mr. Pregunta says
Russian and Chinese are held in high regard.
German Polish Yugo are a close second
closely in the third tier would be Romanian mil spec. There are some Romanian rifles made to a lesser spec level, but it should not cloud your judgement on Romanian mil spec riffles.
Egyptian would probably rank low
Paul says
Now this is purely heresay, but from what I’ve heard from many AK enthusiasts in my area, it goes Russian->Chinese->Yugoslavian->Romanian, as far as the hierarchy of what to look for and what’s normally available. The only one I’ve heard complaints on are the Romanian WASRs, but I’m no expert.