Question by SiLk: Can anyone help me out with Chekhov’s “The Student,” like what are the central themes. What is going on?
I just need some help with the themese and potential topics for a paper. Anybody have any suggestions/comments/insight?
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Answer by edwin
It’s been awhile since I read Chekhov, and all of his story titles seem to run together. But what I got from skimming through it again, is that the continuity or fluidity of life is either oppressive or magical, depending upon your emotional filter or perspective. At the start of the story, the main character is depressed by the mundane; by the end he has a completely different perspective. It has to do with celebrating the connection that the past has with the present rather than despising it as he did before. As for the spiritual part of the story, which causes the change to occur in his mind, the link below will help with that.
Really, just make something up, and that is all literary criticism is.
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