Question by Andrew S: What are the most popular sports in Russia?
Can someone please give me two lists of the top 10 sports in Russia? The first list is for most popular sports to watch and the second list is for most popular sports to watch. Thank you.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jožo
This is the main sport in Russia
What do you think? Answer below!
Not Important says
competitive drinking…everyone participates!
V.Klitschko says
Football as al the countries.
Russel says
1. Football (soccer).
2. Ice hockey
3. Basketball.
4. Volleyball
5. Tennis.
6. Figure skating
7. Skiing (biathlon)
8. Boxing
9. Racing
10. Chess (I guess).
Transcendental says
Two lists will be the same I think. I'm not into watching sports but obviously those are:
1. Soccer 2. Hockey…
Not sure which may be third. Since you need ten I'll try to guess further most popular. Basketball or maybe tennis. Volleyball. Table tennis. Athletics. Boxing/MMA. Skiing. Gymnastics.