Question by Hawkinsian: What are the top three short stories by Anton Chekhov in your opinion?
What are the classics, the best of the, of the stories? I want to read them all but have not the inclination to plough through them looking for insight into the work of the guy.
Can anyone help me please?
Answers and Views:
Answer by chele
the chemists wife was one of the first ones i’ve read. there’s the foolish idiot, a naughty boy, bliss, and a joke. they’re all pretty good. they only take like ten minutes to read each one and that’s if you’re a slow reader. hope you enjoy them!
he’s very straightfoward in his writing. there isn’t a whole lot of adjectives and adverbs in his work. these are probably the easiest stories you’ll ever read.
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Catalyst says
I read one story by Chekhov called The Bear. Liked it.