Question by cheesecake: What are Kandinsky’s intentions in his paintings?
Like what is he trying to portray and all?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Andrea Z
Like all artists, he is trying to express himself and the world around him as he sees it.
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taff3sghost says
Best guess is the light,
Ever go from a dark room to bright sunlight,thats my guess anyway,
angela l says
Considered one of the most influential painters of the German Expressionist movement, Kandinsky is best known for his artistic and theoretical contributions to the development of nonrepresentational, or abstract, art. Using brilliant colors in compositions of geometric shapes and lines, he sought to communicate experiences and emotions through a purely visual language divested of all symbolic or narrative content. In doing so, Kandinsky redefined traditional concepts of the picture plane and provided the basis for much of modern art…
Also "Kandinsky wanted to make visual art more like music, more abstract. He also hoped that his paintings would be 'heard' by his audiences."
zurioluchi says
Wassily Kandinsky's, abstract searching for the inner beauty in the image. I like his Composition X it makes me think of a lively party.
Have a pleasant day.