Question by canaan: What to mix with Blueberry Stoli Vodka?
So I have some blue berry stoli vodka, I want a recipe with the most blueberry flavor. I saw a recipe that called for lemon juice and some other stuff but only had the lemon juice, but that was very delicous. Do you think a juice like Ocean Spray Blueberry cocktail and some soda water would go with it? I just want a full flavor of blueberry!
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Answer by Stin
cant go wrong with some seltzer water and Ocean Spray Blueberry
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Robert O says
I'm thinking outside the box here, but I thought about this. The blueberry vodka, vanilla vodka (50-50) and a tiny splash of goldschlager. Shaken into a small shot. A liquid blueberry muffin. If the goldschlager doesn't work, then drambuie.
AlisonKate says
Try making a Romulan Ale?
I like 'em but it's a bit different.
Might be worth a try.
Good Luck. 🙂
1 oz Blue Curacao
2 oz Vodka
in ice filled glass
fill with seltzer
a splash of Lemon-Lime soda
garnish with blueberries
TexHabs says
Most flavoured vodkas are just that, flavoured, not infused. If it's a full flavor
of blueberry that you are after then logic says that you should not mix it …
Raven Uber Alles says
Your idea sounds awesome. If you're not married to the blueberry thing, blueberry vodka is also great in Sprite, dry champagne (sounds weird but it's yummy), and LEMONADE. Mmm, blueberry lemonade.
If you have fresh or frozen blueberries on hand, you can muddle them with a bit of sugar in the bottom of a glass (add mint if you want more of a mojito flavor), then add the blueberry vodka and soda water.