Question by David L: What changes did lenin install when bolsheviks gained control of the government?
Who opposed Lenins rule and why?
What was Lenin’s New Economic Policy of 1921. And how did if effect the peasent population?
Homework time (: I know you pros know this.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Spellbound
The major changes were political:
He disbanded the Provisional Government. Instituted the Supreme Soviet as the parliament of the country, Wrote a new constitution with the Bolsheviks party having a “leading role”, and began the process of dividing the Russian Empire up into ethnic republics (still part of the country, but with their own, semi-separate, bolshevik parties, leaders and political structures.
Social, freed the remaining serfs, allowed women to vote, to have careers, to hold office and to initiate divorce and exiled – or arrested the “former classes” – the aristocracy.
Economic. Initially he nationalised the banks, industry and gave the peasants the land. Then, as the Civil War began in earnest, he formulated War Communism. This policy allowed small business to operate without government interference but the peasants had their grain taken from them – often at gun-point, and the banks and large industries remained under government control.
After the Civil War, War Communism was seen to be failing, so the New Economic Policy was begun. This was supposed to be a temporary measure to re-start Russia’s failing economy and was seen by Lenin and many in the party as a retreat from Communism. The policy allowed the peasants to sell their own produce on the open market and allowed small businesses to operate freely. Agricultural output grew to 1913 (the first year without war from before the Civil War) by 1926.
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