Question by CheeseFace: What countries used to be part of Russia before it was all separated up?
Ex.I know Ukraine was but I’m not sure if Lithuania was.
Does anyone have a complete list of all/most of the countries that used to be part of russia before being independantized as their own country?
Answers and Views:
Answer by KTDykes
Lithuania was as were Estonia and Latvia. At least, they were parts of the Soviet Union which isn’t strictly the same as Russia. In strict terms, Russia remained Russia.
I’m not responsible for its completeness, but I didn’t notice anything missing from the linked list.
<<...Poland, Balkan Region (except Greece), and East Germany.>>
None of those were parts of the Soviet Union at any time in history.
What do you think? Answer below!
Steve D says
There were 15 countries including Russia that made up the USSR.
1. Armenia
2. Azerbaijan
3. Belarus
4. Estonia
5. Georgia
6. Kazakhstan
7. Kyrgyzstan
8. Latvia
9. Lithuania
10. Moldova
11. Russia
12. Tajikistan
13. Turkmenistan
14. Ukraine
15. Uzbekistan
marcelino angelo says
– Armenia
– Azerbaijan
– Belarus
– Estonia
– Georgia
– Kazakhstan
– Kyrgyzstan
– Latvia
– Lithuania
– Moldova
– Russia
– Tajikistan
– Turkmenistan
– Ukraine
– Uzbekistan
Jerome says
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgystan, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Balkan Region (except Greece), and East Germany. The first 8 is a CIS member