Question by Lolabop: What did Stalin do to affect World War 2?
I’m always hearing about Adolf Hitler, Germany and Japan, but what did Stalin and his Russia do in order to affect the second world war? I look it up, but I never see anything valuable. Was he even in World War 2 much?
Answers and Views:
Answer by robertofebry
Stalin stopped the Nazis from invading the Russia. He didn’t joined the Allied Forces, but the weather and the Nazis’ food shortage was on their side, just like when Napoleon tried.
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Mathur says
Stalin was the leader of Russia during WW II.
Hitler had a treaty with Stalin that Germany would not attack Russia. But Germany broke the treaty and attacked Russia causing great damage (Russia was one of the worst affected countries of WW II). The Germans almost reached St. Peters burg. But winter came and that is when Russian striked back. The Russians were brutal during the war… and when the Russians surrounded Hitler's bunker in Berlin, Hitler committed suicide cause he himself feared what the Russians might do with him… so I would say the Russians played an equal role as America and its allies in bringing down Hitler.
Desert Fox says
When the World War 2 broke USSR was an allies of Germany. Both the countries had a agreement on which part of Poland they would grab. But the whole treaty fell apart when Hitler took the whole Poland and invaded USSR. However, until that day they both were friends.
Also, when USA was fighting Japan USSR was not giving any aid to USA. USSR did not even declared war until Japan was nuked. It was after that, everybody knew that Japan is going to surrender, so why not take advantage of it. Russia still occupies some of the Japanese island.
Also, STALIN was the real murderer of the century. about 50 million of his own people.
bigtalltom says
YES, he was even on both sides. He signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler in the early stages of the war, but then Hitler attacked the Soviets anyway. The Soviets then were at War with Hitler, and fought the Germans longer and harder than the US and British did because of the complications of crossing the channel.
The Soviets were allies during the war. But after the war they became enemies of the US and Western Europe after their actions following the war.