Question by K: What did the KGB do during Stalinist Russia to enforce things?
Help. I need this for school…
I don’t understand what exactly the KGB did to enforce stuff. Please explain.
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Answer by Zojay B
Wasn’t the KGB created after Stalin’s death? I think…
In Stalinist Russia, the NKVD was the secret police. They would send people to the gulags or whatever other punishments were fit to fulfill quotas. So I suppose it was ruled by force.
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Joshua D says
The KGB didn't exist during Stalin's Russia. He had the NKVD, they would eliminate political opponents, a main example of this would be the murder of Trotsky by a Stalinist agent in Mexico. They also penetrated M16 and M15 services in Britain, and recruited important British agents to betray data to the USSR and complied a collection of data on the British and American nuclear missile programs.
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