Question by James: What did the Soviet people call Stalin as a leader?
For example, U.S. citizens refer to the president of the united states as simply “the president”.
And citizens of Germany in WW2 refered to Hitler often as simply “the führer”.
What would the citizens of the Soviet Union refered to Stalin as in a more informal way?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Auseein
lol idk if im right but they stop using the word tsar after 1914
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Spellbound says
For members of the Politburo he was the Vozhd, the Boss. For everyone else he was Tovarishch Stalin – Comrade Stalin.
He did have other titles, Marshal, for example, granted to him after WWII, but these were rarely used. Marshal would only be used in the Stavka, the military high command.
Victoria K says
Comrade Stalin (the only way to do it)
Vegas Jimmy says
He was known as "Comrade Stalin." If you DIDN'T refer to him that way you disappeared.
Had says
"Fejd Marshall" Stalin or President Stalin, depends whether they are citizens or soldiers (soldiers call him the first option, citizens the second