Question by Shay: what did vladimir lenin do?
I am doing a history project and i need to write one paragraph about lenin and one about why i chose him ive got where and when he was born but nothing more please help.
Answers and Views:
Answer by John
Do your own work. Perhaps Y!A is the reason why the US is falling behind other countries with regards to education.
Answer by Spellbound
Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik (meaning Majority) faction of the Russian Social and Democratic Labour Party and took power in the October Revolution of 1917.
He was born in the city of Simbirsk in 1870 and studied Law at Kazan’ university, where he was introduced to Marxist literature. His brother Alexandr was involved in a plot to assassinate Tsar Alexandr III and executed.
He spent some time in internal exile in Siberia before being exiled from Russia. It was in London that he formed his Bolshevik faction. When WWI broke out he was living in Geneva and, in Early 1917 he was put on a special sealed train to the Russian capital – Petrograd – in order to ferment trouble.
In 1917 his Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional Government in the October Revolution and began to implement Marxist (communist) ideas about how to run the country.
Main policies – War Communism. After the revolution the country dissolved into civil war, and the cities and Red (Bolshevik) army needed feeding. War Communism was a policy of sending Bolsheviks into the countryside to seize grain in order to feed the cities. Also it nationalised all industry and banks. After Lenin was shot and wounded by Fanya Kaplan in august 1918 and to help enforce the War Communism a period known as the Red Terror began where anyone suspected of helping the opposing White armies could face a short trial and execution – some 200, 000 may have died – although it must be said that the White forces committed similar number of murders.
After the Civil War died down, Lenin realised that War Communism was not working very well and began the New economic Policy (NEP) . This allowed small businesses and farmers to buy and sell on the open market. Economic growth soon followed.
Lenin suffered a stroke in 1922 and was incapacitated, he died of another Stroke in 1924.
Lenin, A Biography – Robert Service
The October Revolution – Roy Medvedev
The Bolsheviks in Russian Society – Vladimir N Brovkin
Answer by tuffy
Lenin was the founder of the Bolshevik party and was a major player in the 1917 Russian Revolution.He was chief of government until his death in 1924. He was founder of the Soviet Union and was replaced by Joseph Stalin. His real name was Vladimir Ilyrich Ulyanov. He made Communism into a major force in the world.
Answer by cp_scipiom
he was agerman agent, a spy and a traitor to his own country. he sabotaged Russia’s war effort, betrayed its warplans and was personally responsible for the deaths of milions of its soldiers- and that was before he overthrew a democratically elected government and installed himself as bloody dictator
I have no idea why you chose such a pile of manure. OTOH manure, albeit stinky, is quite useful- and “lenin” has no redeeming qualities
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