Question by TINY: What is a gulag? What do people usually do there?
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Answer by Michael C
Gulags were a chain of prison/work camps in the Soviet Union. I don’t know if they still exist in Russia or not.
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Hitman says
A russian gulag makes guantanamo or abu ghraib look like a holiday camp. Read up about nazi prisoners who were sent to gulags during the war. Or any other non-communist person during the early 20th century.
oldcraggyguy says
A gulag is a prison work camp. The work varried dependent upon the location. Some of the most common jobs were mining and logging. They made you work until you dropped. You were assigned to a gang of around a dozen people. The amount of bread that everyone in the gang got (in some camps it was between six and ten ounces of bread a day) depended upon how much work everyone in the gang did that day; consequently everyone kept everyone else in line lest everyone go hungry.
Israelichick says
gulags are the prison/work camps in Siberia where Stalin send all the prisoners and people who disobeyed him
clvngodess says
1.the system of forced-labor camps in the Soviet Union.
2.a Soviet forced-labor camp.
3.any prison or detention camp, esp. for political prisoners.
Today it's a commonly used term to define ANY detention camp for political prisoners, and not specifically relegated to the old Soviet Union. Guantanamo is a gulag too. Many prisons in the U.S. are actually forced labor camps (although many Americans don't actually know this, and many peoples in the U.S. are actually held as political prisoners as well, but again under the public radar.)