Question by upards: What do Russian guys say when they see an attractive female?
America, for example: She’s hot. There’s also: dime piece, andrei, eye candy… Could I have the English and the Russian spelling please. Thanks.
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Answer by Empress Of TheWorld
Das a neis schnitzel, Vladimir.
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Summer says
девушка / девчушка / девчоночка / девчурка / девуленька – devushka / devchushka / devchonochka / devchurka / devulen’ka (these all mean a nice looking girl, mostly in diminutives).
Красотка / Красавица / красивая – krasotka / krasavitsa / krasivaya (basically means a beauty/beautiful woman)
цыпочка – tsypochka (a chick)
баба – baba (woman)
девица – devitsa (just a young lady)
пелотка – pelotka (in our slang it would be like "shorty")
тёлка – telka (a heifer, but for some reason it also means an attractive lady in Russian. Wouldn’t call a lady that in English haha)
куколка – kukolka (a real dollface)
прелесть – prelest’ (cutie pie)
милашка – milashka (cutie)
крошка – kroshka (baby doll)
она очень даже ничего – ona ochen’ dazhe nichevo (probably meaning "nothing is even equal to her", she’s really attractive)
I don’t know how well it translates over, but "Eye Candy" would be "приятная на вид" (priyatnaya na vid, meaning "pleasant to look at").