Question by 5 star: What do Russians drink the most besides Vodka, is it tea or coffee?
i have allways wondered about this, pls help!
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Answer by the answer man…..
tea….lots of very hot very strong black tea, its quite good as far as tea goes. i am a coffee person myself…
Answer by Anna Y
If to choose between coffee and tea – I believe they prefer coffee. But second place after vodka is taken by beer 🙂
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
Cossak says
Tea… my neighborehood region people grows in mountains good healthy tea plants which full of vitamin-Krasnodarsky Chai…
mervent999 says
I prefere tea,green or black.Never drink cofee and hates Vodka! =)
Olga K says
Never tried vodka and do not want to.
In my case the most common drinks are coffee and juice. Tea is not something I drink very often – just don’t like it very much.
spReez says
Tea in the morning,
tea at lunch,
tea at dinner,
‘stead of fruit punch.
I made this poem myself (lol). Yeah, they drink a lot of black tea. It’s good for the stomach and liver and breaks down the fat.
yana c says
Tea is like number one drink, anytime you go over someone’s house the first thing they offer you is some tea. Russians love tea.
Misanthropist says
Tea. With breakfast, lunch and dinner (for me at least).
Some of the younger people that watch too much TV think that somehow they will be cooler if they drink coffee. Personally, I can’t stand coffee (it stains your teeth and gives you horrible breath), but, as they say, to each his own.
vn_lane says
LeLik says
Tea, at least is what I drink three times a day every day.)
poopy says
Tea…caj (chai)
Little Witchy Girl says
tea, cranberry juice (we call it “mors”) and kvas (a soft drink made with bread east – yamm!)
DeeDee says
Only alcoholics drink Vodka that frequently as your question made it sound. They drink tea daily. They drink tea more than they drink Vodka. Sometimes they drink vodka. The next most common drink would be Georgian wine. But they drink vodka and Georgian wine at special dinner, holidays. I don’t think they’re serious coffee drinkers. they drink more tea than coffee. When they do drink coffee it’s much stronger, blacker than American coffee. very strong and small amount.
Dave says
Tea bro Tea
drey says
we prefer tea!
alcoholics – vodka
other – coffee
vendy015 says
My wifes (Russian) parents drink a lot of English tea and then very strong black coffee
rp121121 says
it’s tea before vodka, coffee after vodka and beer with vodka.