Question by Kevin7: who were the Russian Romanovs?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Karina
They were a royal family. Who were killed by the Bolsheviks. Thus ending the family line.
The most famous of them all was probably The Grand Duchess Anastasia
You should read the story on them. Its very interesting.
Answer by Ted H
The Romanovs were the rulers of Russia from 1613 until the Russian Revolution of February 1917. Descendants of Andrey Ivanovich Kobyla (Kambila), a Muscovite boyar who lived during the reign of the grand prince of Moscow Ivan I Kalita (reigned 1328–41), the Romanovs acquired their name from Roman Yurev (d. 1543), whose daughter Anastasiya Romanovna Zakharina-Yureva was the first wife of Ivan IV the Terrible (reigned as tsar 1547–84). Her brother Nikita’s children took the surname Romanov in honour of their grandfather, father of a tsarina. After Fyodor I (the last ruler of the Rurik dynasty) died in 1598, Russia endured 15 chaotic years known as the Time of Troubles (1598–1613), which ended when a zemsky sobor (“assembly of the land”) elected Nikita’s grandson, Michael Romanov, as the new tsar.
In 1613 Nikita’s grandson Mikhail Romanov (1613-1645) aged 16 was elected to rule the country, giving rise to the Romanovs dynasty that ruled the country for 304 years, till the Revolution of 1917.
The first three Romanovs stabilized the situation in the country but more time and action were required to liquidate the retardation of the Russian state from European countries in economical, industrial, trading, managing, educational, and military fields. With the 17th century a new period in Russian history started: small landed nobility substituted the boyars in power, but what was even more important – manufacturing began to play a significant role in production. However, the time of radical changes was still ahead, which became evident when the dynasty’s strongest ruler, Peter the Great, came to power.
The Romanovs Reign Falls into Three Periods:
The first period recovery after the Times of Troubles encompasses the reign of tsars Mikhail (16131645), Alexei Mikhailovich (16451676) and Fyodor Alexeyevich (16761682). In this epoch Russia stood out as the leading Slavonic power that incorporated huge territories in the South and the West, including the left-bank Ukraine to Russian lands. Church and nobility subdued to the tsar’s power, whereas peasants were attached to the land and made property of the landowners.
The second period reign of Peter I the Great (16821725), Catherine I (17251727), Peter II (17271730), Anna Ioannovna (17301740), Ivan VI (17401741), Elizabeth (17411761), Peter III (17611762) and Catherine the Great (17621796). During this period Russia turned into a prominent European Empire with powerful army and fleet and its dominion expanded on territories from the Baltic to the Black Seas. The dynasty of the actual Romanovs ceased with the death of Elizabeth giving way to the Holstein-Gottorp branch from Germany.
The last period fell on the reign of Pavel I (17961801), Alexander I (18011825), Nicholas I (18251855), Alexander II (18551881) and Alexander III (18811894). The victory in Napoleonic wars and expansion to Asia made Russia a world power. However, Russia’s internal development was still behind the Western countries, in spite of its fast economic growth and abolition of serfdom.
In 1894 Nicholas II, the last Emperor from the Romanovs dynasty mounted the throne. The February revolution of 1917 uncrowned Nicholas, and later led to the execution of the tsar and his family by Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg on July 16, 1918.
By the beginning of 1917 the Romanovs dynasty numbered 32 male members, 13 of whom were executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918-19. Those who managed to flee, settled down in the Western European countries (France mainly) and the USA. In the 1920-30s the majority of the dynasty representatives still hoped for the collapse of the Soviet power and regaining monarchy in Russia.
All the contemporary representatives of the dynasty are descendants of the four sons of Nicholas I. Altogether by the beginning of 2007 the Romanovs kin counted 18 male representatives, six of whom were under the age of forty.
Answer by ♥ Annieh ♥
they were a royal family in russia.. but the most famous was duchess anastasia. they were killed. i forgot who but anyway they were all young.. there were 3 girls 1 boy and a mother and father. i am russian and my name is Anastasia. i read so much about her and i am amazed that im alot like her. And if u have ever seen the movie Anastasia it pretty much shows u what happened.. well kinda..
Answer by heathurr
The Russian family who were killed by Rasputin.
The family included: Tsar Nicholas the Second, Grand Dutchess Alexandra [wife], Grand Dutchess Olga, Grand Dutchess Anastasia, Grand Dutchess Maria, and finally Tsarivich Alexei.
Answer by roxie
Royal Russian Family that later perished 🙁
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