Question by Guest: what do u think about asian girls living in moscow?
I am an asian girl and i was born in russia and moved to moscow 3 years ago. I face with rasism from white russians, and also some foreign peoples always ask me ”why an asian girl lives in european country like Russia”. I feel very confusing about my asian apperance. I dated some white guys, but i think they prefer more white russian girls. What do u think about my situation?
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Answer by Fenris Wolf
Russia sucks badly. Most of Russia (land wise) is Asia, but they have some elitist attitude against Asians? They are hyper-aggressive, the Russians. I would get away from there as fast as possible before one of those racist darlings kills you in a fit of rage that you are better than he is.
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Lyudmila says
Hi ! Troll ! -You have never been in Russia! Let you visit it first and after try to tell an other fairy tail.
Ruslan says
Sorry, Lady, but racism is usual thing in moscow theese days.
U must be ready for situations like that…
I was born in Russia myself and living here most of my life, but have an asian look.
Even speaking perfect russian as a primary language won't help me to avoid some racist comments in moscow subway sometimes.
Slava T says
Dear "mistery_girl" I am afraid you are for some trolling business here with the purpose to have angry responses from people who know nothing about Russia. I have a piece of advice for you – you should've made your "legend" more consistent before asking a question like that. Otherwise your statement looks contradictory, at least.
You say that you face racism in Russia and continue with saying that you dated "some white guys". Does it mean that Russia is so racist that white guys date Asian girls? I can't say that it's easy to follow your logic. If some foreigners ask you stupid questions what Russia has to do with their racism?
Please give us something more plausible next time.
AsiianGiirl says
im asian and i live in new zealand. ignore them. we're all human. next time they something smack em in the face . lol . they just JEALOUS . LMAO (: oh anfddd. russia is part of ASIA and europe. bunch of weirdos. lol