Question by Sergio S: What do you think about former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Russia now?
Is this aggressor or good partner? Or maybe all at the same time?
What do you think about political alliance “Medvedev+Putin”?
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Answer by mikea109
Don’t you mean Medvedev-Putin-Stalin, because that’s the way the scum bags are taking it. However, if oil continues it’s downward trend Russia will once again become a 3rd world country and won’t be able to afford its aggressive ways !
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highvoltage says
It will be quite naive to think that virtually ANYTHING has changed since old crap regime fell down. Believe it or not – IT HASN'T! It was transformed to a different type which is a lot more greedy, snobby, undemocratic now, then it used to be. Hopefully, Russia, Putin-Medvedev will never become friends to a western society and most likely will be poor business partners due to the complete lack of corruption-free business, law-and-order. Don't be naive and be fooled by their red propaganda. They can't even tell true to their own people story off… (russian) crisis started way before american and they blame USA for thier eventual failure. How do I know that? I used to live close to Russia and I know russian mentality pretty well. Originally from west Ukraine I know how russians treated west-ukrainians after WW2 as they invaded our land and left in 1992. We were killing communists and bolsheviks right until 1957!
Russia is: Arrogance, Communism, Corruption and Old-school KGB camouflaged by modern business agenda to rule the Europe addicted to russian oil and gas. Luckily russian era comes to it's end so as their population largely and widely deterioriating.
Kevin says
Medvedev+Putin make a good team for Russia. They have successfully balanced moving into a market economy and towards democracy vs. the old communist regime people are used to.
Russia is no more an agressor than the USA. They agressively defend their interests, just like the USA defends theirs. And just like the USA, their media encourages people to believe what the government wants them to.
For example – Ossetia. Another answer correctly stated that Georgia was the initial agressor, and Russia defended their interests. Were their interests "protecting Russian citizens" as they and their media claimed? Of course not. Of course, the USA's interest in Ukraine (or Iraq) is not "free democracy" as the American government/press claims either. Instead, in Ukraine, it is the uranium. (The USA just signed an agreement on 29th December to defend Ukraine, and secure their uranium).
All while they both talk about how bad and aggressive the other side is, both sides still meet militarily (in Finland), they do business together (Russia will start shipping liquified natural gas to America in February), and the hold joint operations (Somali pirate patrols).
They are just another "big bully" flexing their muscles, just like the USA does.
Yulia says
Russia is changing for good, and Medvedev and Putin are making those changes happen.
MarjaU says
Or maybe neither?
Consider Ossetia. The Georgian government wanted to conquer the area and drive out the Ossetian people. They attacked, and they shelled villages and refugees heading north. The Russian government had its own interests in the area, and intervened. The Russian intervention wasn't altruistic, but it wasn't aggressive either, and it seems to have stopped an attempted genocide.