Question by kate: What do you think of Moscow monument of Peter the Great by Z. Ziritellty?
just stole a glimpse of discussion of it on Russian TV. I have heard it was originally created by Mr Ziritelly for USA as monument of Columbus. Then re-created as Peter’s. Is it really as ugly as it claimed to be? Is there money to move it? What do you think is going to happen to it now? President Medvedev said new Mayor of Moscow will decide its fate.
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Answer by Alan B
I was also told by friends in Moscow that it was origionally created a monument to Christipher Columbus, but when the American government found out how much it was going to cost to bring it to America they decided they could not afford the transport costs so it was dumped in the Moscva river.
An interesting tale and i am not sure how true it is.
Its not a bad statue but when you look at some of the other sculptures in Moscow then it does look ugly in comparison.
I read that they are going to re locate it somewhere
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Slava T says
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To tell the truth my taste is quite afar from Tsereteli's gigantomania but I am strongly against the monument's removal. In the situation when there are still thousands of Lenin's monuments across the country it's a shame to waste money for removal of the monument of the Russian Czar even if it is so unfortunate to be made by "batono" Tsereteli.
In the end we all remember how unhappy were Parisians with the Eiffel Tower. 🙂