Question by mabania :O: What do you think of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s nobel lecture??
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Answer by EJ
The Gulag is the best. But a more important issue is his relationship to the recently Late Rastapovich(the internationally known chellist, who among other things played chello at the base of the Berlin Wall when it was being demolished . There were three friends in Russia, Andre Sackorov, Solzhenitsyn and Rastopovich. Sackorov died over there. Solzhenitsyn and Rastopovich got out. But that’s whole other story. Enjoy.
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lookaround says
okay I'll answer one at a time. 1: was he talking about art in the artists eye's or the eye's of everyone else. In being touched inward by divinity even just for a brief second was his sorrow in triing to find it again or was it in noticing everyone else. To me I would say both, if he picked up a meteorite would it's formation be artistic or would how someone feels studying it or even finding it bring him closer to that awareness. For him it's probably being in the presence of the person who finds it. Okay I just went back to it, but I want to answer other questions all in all it's a man's life mixed in with a realization.
zwijn says
I didn't read all of the lecture, but I have read his book called The Gulag. It was an amazing book. I didn't like his negative reference to Dostoevsky in that article you posted the link to though because I think that Dostoevsky is also an amazing author. I don't know what it is about Russians (and some other Eastern European authors) and their gorgeous writing styles!
Stony says
I think she speaks very nobelly. Her lecture was spoken with truth.