Question by Auto_Fly: What does a Russian citizen have to do to enter the United States?
I have a Russian friend who wants to visit the US but is at a loss for how to go about it. I tried to dig up what info I could but to no avail. Does she need to show the money to enter the US?
Photo Credit: Quang Anh Photography
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Answer by Edward N.
I have personal experience inviting friends and relatives from Russia.
This is a list of things that you will have to do on your end to invite your friend to visit you:
You might want to check with the Department of State to see if all of this is still needed.
You as his/her American friend has to write an invitation letter. Something like “Hello Friend. I am inviting you to visit me in the United States from July 1st 2020 to July 15th, 2020. I have great plans for you to show you different cities and let you experience the American culture. We will visit many various landmarks like the White House, Empire State building, and local strip clubs :). I will completely cover your costs of living, food, and transportation while you are in the United States.” Blah Blah. You get the idea.
When your friend gets the invitation, he/she will need to set up an appointment at the American Consulate in Russia to apply for a tourist visa. He/She will need to show personal financial status, employment status, the family that will stay behind. Pretty much just need to prove to the immigration inspector that your friend will not impose a financial burden on the US government and has no plans of remaining in the US illegally.
Instructions on how to apply for US Visa, your friend can find on this site:
The process is not very hard, but at the same time needs careful planning and making sure that your friend has all the documents in place.
Answer by Tom
Watch out for scams… Don’t send money overseas.
Answer by james
There is no rule says that they need to show money at customs.
I paid $25 for this interview transcript from a Russia customs officer:
“Elena Garrett (after reading the excerpt to Officer Lukichev):
Does the Customs Service require the departing passengers to have 3600 US dollars in cash?”
“Officer Lukichev:
No, the Customs Service does not have such requirements, in fact, they are illegal.
There are only requirements for the departing passengers to declare in writing certain amounts of cash… if we are talking about 3600 US dollars, then the passengers are obligated to verbally declare any amount below 3000 dollars. Between 3000 and 10000 US dollars there is a mandatory declaration in writing.”
Give your answer to this question below!
Friendly says
Russian and United States = Friend, because We are people
Alex says
Not anymore. After what they are doing in Ukraine, they’re hardly people.
Matvey says
unfortunately money always stands ahead
I have a friend in Moscow that wants to come to the USA for 30 days. She says she must show proof that she can support herself in the USA at $100 per day for 30 days–$3000 total. She wants me to send her this money. Am I being scammed? Thanks for your help.
admin says
Before making a decision, please read this information from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.
John says
Money to get into the U.S. “IS” required to cover their provision here in the U.S. when visiting based on how long they will be here. Even says so in the U.S. Department of travel which there is such a link at the very start of these post. This money is not only required for Russian visitors, but all visitors out side of the U.S. over seas. This way a visitor can come to the U.S., pay their own expenses, and not be trapped on the streets and shelters in the U.S. because they are broke. That is why it exist. So if your visitor or lover fall short, yeah you can send them money to help them out. But the problem is this. Not all them Russian women are Russian women scamming. And majority I had receive in my own emails, come from this group. They are scammers from some where else, using ru web sights. And stolen pics from somewhere. But they are not Russian women, nor are they living in Russia. But there are those that are. It is a shame, but some maybe serious, which it ruins it for them. It is for these reasons why Russian women dating web sights state, “Do not send money” And some even go as far to want you to report anyone that ask for money from you. The invite is the best way to go, they will need nothing but the plane ticket. So if you send money, you take a high risk at the lost. If they are not a scammer, they should or will already know about the “invite”. A scammer will claim that this is not enough, and push on the extra money. The “Invite” information can be found on the main body of this page as it explains about what is needed, also I think that information can be found on the U.S. travel state department link above at the start of this page..
Tim Riley says
99% of the time it is a scam
InstructMe says
Uhm, 99.99994% of the time it is a scam.
Robert Durkee says
Does a Russian citizen have to have a certain amount in their bank account to travel to the us.
Someone who was planning on coming to us said she had to have $4500 in bank account to be able to travel here.
Is that true?
InstructMe says
That depends. Did she say she loves you in the first 3 emails or first 30-45 days of communication?
Peter says
Is there anyone who can guide me? This is my first time. My friend lives in Magnitogorsk, Russia. She would like to visit me in California. She visited New York last year as a student. Now she’ll come as a tourist. Any guidance on how I can get her here would be appreciated.
Jeffery Cox says
How much money does she have to leave Russia
Jeffery Cox says
I have a friend she is at the airport in Moscow and the customs official told her she had to have 3070 to come here and stay with me is this true.
Thank you,
Jeffery Cox
Andrew Peterson says
My friend told me the same think!
She couldnot fly to the US due to lack of money.
Any website tells you if that is true or not.
Good luck with you pal!
Andrew Peterson says
Sorry, I meant the websites don't show if it's true or not.
tom says
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james says
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James says
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