Question by sereneocean: How many have eaten caviar?what does it taste like is it worth trying.?
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Answer by mysterygirl123
I heard that cavier was really expansive and very good…it doesn’t seem like it becasue it is sharks eggs!!!
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What do you think?
Binky says
Cavier is very salty and fishy.
eilishaa says
It depends on the type of caviar, as to the taste. My favorite is the one made of very small black eggs. Naturally, this is also the most expensive. I tasted more briny/salty than fish flavor.
chefgrille says
I've had caviar several times. If you'll excuse the wording, it tastes like little salty balls that pop in your mouth. It's really good, especially with cream cheese and smoked salmon.
Most caviar now is coming from sturgeon and shad. It's still easy to find in a supermarket. Give it a try!
TheRobA says
it is very salty with a slight fishy taste to it, I am always of the belief though that you should try anything once, with caviar make sure someone else is footing the bill
amymh1 says
I like caviar. It is salty and pops in your mouth when you eat it. They serve it in Japanese restaurants with sushi. That has been my main experience with it. Everything is worth trying once when it comes to food-except maybe blowfish. LOL!
I've eaten Black Caviar and it's really good, just a little salty and soft in texture. The cheap version is crunchy, and taste horrible.
kb4ilb says
i have and i dont care for it,it has a salty taste kinda fishy, caviar is actually fish eggs and some of it is very exspesive.I think people eat it because they think its fasionable but i just as soon have a slice of souse with some saltine crackers, hot sauce,and a cold beer.
Not Single says
Mrs Mills says
Of course dear – who hasn't? There is however a vast difference in quality – real caviar come only from the sturgeon fish and has a slightly fishy/salty flavour – best served on crisp water biscuits with a good champagne.
BoardingJD says
Its very salty, and the texture is soft. I've never been thrilled with it, but like any delicacy, I wonder if the price controls the popularity. If that stuff was priced like potted meat, nobody would eat it. 🙂