Question by maybe I was: What does dialectical materialism mean?
Please explain in the most simple way. Also was Karl Marx a bad person, did he had bad intentions when inventing Marxism?
Answers and Views:
Answer by EXTRTR
It means you’re studying a subject which has no practical value.
Answer by j
DM is an hypothesis that things change in a predictable way: A and B lead to C.
The A + B = C, or “thesis” and something else, called “anti-thesis,” produce a summarizing third thing (“synthesis,” which becomes the new, next “thesis”).
Example: ice + heat = liquid water.
There is a considerable leap of faith to apply physics to people; that’s what Hegel, Marx’ “teacher,” did: there’s a process in history that’s moving things towards perfection. Marx, being the illogical atheist (i.e., one cannot logically claim to prove a universal negative, such as “There is no God,” as one would have to be Omnipresent, Omniscient, etc. to be able to prove it), said that, as God didn’t Be, and humans were developing, that there had to be a hidden law guiding the process of human development. That would be Hegel’s process, but without any God influence (Hegel had Spirit developing the process).
Karl Marx had some major behavioral issues. A few: when a child, he liked to make mud pies and make his sisters eat them. When a student, he liked to drink beer, and asked his by-then poor widowed mother for funds to finance beer parties. When a Ph.D., he was hired by a New York newspaper, and made his friend F. Engels write the stories, and cashed the checks (for) himself. When married, he raped his maid, and she became pregnant. Later on, when drinking, he would comment scornfully about “this class sh-t.” He termed a certain racial group “n-ggers,” and it didn’t help a whole bunch when one of his daughters married a “mixed white and black” man (he tended to ignore the marriage).
His mother had the last, best word: “Karl should have made capital, not written it.”
P.s. KM was embarrassed by his “foreign born” mother (a Jewess from another country), who never learned to speak “properly” in her new language. He didn’t care much for his father, either.
There are some interesting indications, documented for example in Richard Wurmbrand’s well-researched small book “Marx and Satan,” that KM was a student of Satanism. In his college creative writing, he wrote stuff about Satan. Later, he wore his beard in a completely unknown style–unknown except for it being the style of members of a Satanic group headed by his friend.
KM may have been guided by “unseen” bad intentions, i.e., “fallen angels.” It’s worthwhile noting that Lenin was interested in Satanism.
However, the basic premise of marxism: man is heading towards a glorious future, after a bloodbath or other such “anti-thesis” to current economic private ownership, and this is something matter itself is guiding, as man develops, does appeal to those who would like to be “captains of their own destiny” and who have concerns about the injustices in the world.
However, by a thing’s fruits it’s worth may be known. indicates that the most murderous governments against their own people have been the Russian Communist and Chinese Communist.
“Red Cocaine,” Douglass, “Inside the Aquarium,” Suvorov, and “Double Lives,” by Stephen Koch, are good examples and resources about some of the problems and contradictions in what has become a majorly outmoded theory (e.g., Marx’ theory predicted increasing interchangeability of jobs; in reality, increasing specialization has been the way).
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