Question by LoveMaker L: When I speak russian what does my american accent sound like?
I learned russian and speak it as a second lanauge, but I wonder what does american accent sound like when I speak russian?
Answers and Views:
Answer by A horse walks into a bar…
I’m an extremely fluent non-speaker myself. I’ve been told that the Russian regional accent that most closely resembles an American accent is the Pribaltic regional accent (Latvia/Lithuania/Estonia & adjacent areas). Personally, I’ve been told that my accent sounds closest to the Southern Ural accent (Perm area).
What do you think? Answer below!
Misha says
Sounds somewhat like Georgian accent I think.
Katie says
it sounds funny))
Rix M says
I think, American English one of the beautiful languages ever. I remember, someone said that you can sing in American English about a dirty shoes and it still will sounds great! When Americans speak Russian, they have a very soft and sexy accent. You guys make all rough Russian sounds sound so soft and smooth! Also, I noticed that most of American men have a very cute voice.
Lea says
how am i supposed to answer that? It sounds like American speaking Russian..