Question by jreck!!!: What does nicholas and alexandra romanov have to do in world war 1?
I need to write a paragraph on what their roll was in the war….
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Answer by Thomas
I know it is boring to quote Wikipedia but sometimes the subjects are written by specialists. About the murder of the Romanovs it reads:The Bolsheviks had wanted to bring the tsar for a trial, but circumstances led to a quick decision to kill the whole family summarily. The Romanovs were being held by the Red Army in Yekaterinburg. As the civil war continued and the White Army (a loose alliance of anti-communist forces) was threatening to capture the city, the fear was that the Romanovs would fall into White hands. This was unacceptable to the Bolsheviks for two reasons: first, the tsar or any of his family members could provide a beacon to rally support to the White cause; second, the tsar, or any of his family members if the tsar were dead, would be considered the legitimate ruler of Russia by the other European nations. This would have meant the ability to negotiate for greater foreign intervention on behalf of the Whites. Soon after the family was executed, the city did in fact fall to the White Army.
On 16 July 1918 forces of the Czech legion were closing on Yekaterinburg. It was unknown to them that Russia’s royal family was being held under house arrest there. The Bolsheviks, believing that the Czechs were on a mission to rescue the Russian royals, panicked and executed their wards. The real reason for the Czechs being in Yekaterinburg was to protect the Trans-Siberian Railway, of which they had total control. Circumstance played a large part in the execution of the Russian royal family.
The mistake is the word “execution”. There was no trial, the Romanovs at the very moment were non armed prisoners and the Bolsheviks were not the official state’s authority. The Romanovs therefore simply were murdered.
PS: Sorry, I read why they had to DIE, however because it is a part of what they did, I leave it.
The greatest other “achivement” of Nicholaus II. in WWI was to have started it. When his cousin Wilhelm II of Germany desperately telegraphed him to call off the Russian mobilization because Germany rightfully had to see it as a Russian declaration of war against Germany he said he wouldn’t be able to do it caused by the long distances of communication. However the Germans could not just carry on with normal life when 1.6 Million troops aligned along their border and German mobilization automatically brought the French into the war. The only empire which acted not based on a treaty was Russia not having any treaty with Serbia
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