Question by : What does ‘grad’ mean in Russian?
Leningrad, Stalingrad, Volgograd…
Lenin, Stalin, Volga river.
Does grad mean city in Russian?
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Answer by (Άγιος) Χριστόφορος
Yes, the suffix -град/-grad in Russian means city.
The proper word for city when used alone is город/gorod, so you can see how the suffix relates to the noun.
Rather than saying Город Ленина (the City of Lenin), it’s easier just to name it Ленинград (Lenin-city).
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ML says
Right. Grad means city in Russian, but, separately from city names, it is an old form. Now we use gorod. This modern word is rarely used to form a name of the city. Stalingrad and etc. means the Stalin’s city.