Question by yoursure: What dose Sputnik mean in Russian?
I dont want a prima faciea American answer what dose it stand for who was the first one to report it to the news. What was the first russian news paper release of it?
Answers and Views:
Answer by rt11guru
Wikipedia says it means “fellow traveler” or “satellite”.
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aviophage says
How many times do you have to be told that "sputnik" means "fellow traveller" in Russian. It was named by an engineer in the Soviet rocketry program, and it was first announced on the 10th of October, 1957, after it successfully went into orbit, in an article in the Moscow newspaper Pravda.
"Pravda" means "truth" in Russian.
Marty McFly says
Yeah, "companion" or "satellite"
Tillu says
It means, "Fuck you, US…… We are the first in the space."