Question by MR.OLYMPIA: In 1980 this European nation still allowed its athletes to compete in the Moscow Olympics?
They included a famous runner and a future double gold double gold medalists in this athletic event.
Unlike the USA this country allowed their athletes to decide and not threaten a bunch of athletes ‘ ,that have no role in deciding a nations foreign policy, with stripping them of their citizenship if they went to Moscow.
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Answer by Richard C
Great Britain
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charles says
you are refering to Great Britain. famous runner could be Sebastian Coe and the future double gold medallist could be Daley Thompson in decathlon.
but for the record, it is not only Great Britain where European nations that didnt joined the US-led boycott. Netherland, Spain, France, Denmark and Italy also competed in 1980 Olympics. but these countries competed under the Olympic flag.
wo_shi_usa says
The egregious acts of the communist dictatorial government of China is deplorable. I think human rights is far more important than sports. People are being killed!
In 1936 the world attended the Olympics hosted in Hitler's Germany. No one protested and all the world leaders attended. I guess we all know what happened after that huh? Shall we make the same mistake again? I think human rights is far more important than the Olympic games.
Does anyone remember tiananmen square in 1989? 3000 people were killed and wounded by their own army.
Do you know that farmers have been protesting the fact that the Chinese government has taken their land from them in order to build factories for multi-national corporations? The China army has shot and killed many of them.
Over 20 million people in China are political prisoners. A Chinese dissident was recently sent to prison for 3.5 years for merely speaking up against his country's human rights suppression.
If you wish to research more about communist China check out <a href="” target=”_blank”>