Question by : What examples of propaganda used by the United States against the USSR?
Music, movies, education, etc. etc. If you were at school during the cold war how did they talk about the USSR. How did the news talk about them. Thanks.
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Answer by Fuzz Tronic
They described them as “reds”. The Soviets were called evil, god-hating, atheistic, murderous tyrants who are out for world domination.
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gee bee says
Sadly, some of the most virulent anti-Soviet Propaganda was aimed at an American audience, using Americans as scapegoats to hammer home the point.
American were accused of having ‘loyalties to The USSR’ before America.
In the Late 40’s and early 50’s the FBI instigated a witch hunt against ‘Reds’ and got Pete Seeger and Paul Robeson banned from the entertainment circuits.
Later Senator McCarthy started his famous trials, blacklisting famous Hollywood names and actors. Charlie Chaplin actually fled the country and settled in Switzerland for over 20 years.
To this day, the American Right equates ‘Liberal’ with ‘Socialism or downright Communism..!’
They even try to imply that Democrats are or have Communist Leanings.
In all this America is extremely immature because 99% of all those with Liberal or left-Wing tendencies, all are good Americans, supporters of The Stock market and Free Enterprise System and who would never entertain the idea of a Communist Regime in The States. However, this does not stop the extremists on the American Right, especially on Fox News, from ranting on about ‘Communists Under The Bed..!’