Question by With her head in the clouds: What color hair and eyes did the four Romanov sisters have?
I’ve been researching them and have been coming with conflicting information.
Answers and Views:
Answer by ssss
Sandy hair color (Light brown) and blue eyes.
90% of Russians have blue eyes, and since their mother was German, I think that pretty much confirms it.
Answer by Dollface
Olga had light reddish-blonde hair and was the palest in the coloring of the four. She also had light blue eyes.
Tatiana had brown hair and grey-blue eyes, she was the darkest in coloring.
Maria had brown hair and very large dark blue eyes, nicknamed Mashka’s saucers, she was the second darkest in coloring.
Anastasia has reddish-blonde hair that later became browner with age and is described as having Nicholas’ cornflower blue eyes. She was the second lightest in coloring.
Answer by Hannah Mandryk
Helen Rapaport’s book ‘The Romanov sisters’ mentions Olga being blonde and Tatiana having Auburn hair. Maria is mentioned to have Brown hair but this was referring to her as a baby so her hair colour could have changed slightly over time. I couldn’t find any mention of Anastasia’s hair colour but I suspect that it was similar to at least one of her sisters.
Answer by Jess L
Olga had blonde/golden hair, Tatiana had dark auburn hair, Maria had light brown hair, and Anastasia was strawberry blonde and her hair grew into auburn when she grew up. The seven Romanovs, Nicholas, Alix, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei, all had blue eyes.
Answer by gangadar
Olga has grace, wit, and good looks, Tatiana is a regular beauty, Marie is so sweet-natured, good, and obliging, no one could help loving her, but little Anastasie has personal charm beyond any child I ever saw,“ pointed someone. They were never happy when apart and it would have been an unheard-of thing for one of the Grand Duchesses to go anywhere without her sisters. She would not have enjoyed it at all.
Tsar´s daughters had the rank of Grand Duchess (Velikaya Kniezhna) and were addressed as „Imperial highnesses“.
Answer by Sheila
There are simply loads of photos of the Czar and his family. All the daughters seem to have fair hair but these b/w photos say nothing about the color of their eyes.
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