Question by mazeltove: what happened to Russia under Lenin and the Bolsheviks? what are the major changes?
hey everyone please help me answer this question im not sure what lenin or the bolsheviks really did.
the only thing i can think of is the CHEKA!!
please help
Answers and Views:
Answer by Slava T
OK, let’s list some changes under Lenin from 1917 to 1924 (the year of Lenin’s death).
1)Lenin and Co. dismantled the Russian Empire:
a)some of the Russian provinces became independent states (Poland, Finland, Baltic States – Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia);
b)They dismantled the whole Imperial system of governing, imperial system of the social estates and territorial division. Instead of Imperial division into “gubernias” the Bolsheviks introduced national-territorial division, when each more or less substantial ethnos became quasi-autonomous with their own republican governing bodies;
c)The Bolsheviks in pursue of the “class policy” either murdered or pushed out of the country the whole class of the educated Russians in the course of the Russian Civil War;
2)The Bolsheviks nationalised Russian industry;
3)The Bolsheviks introduced the system of “prodrazverstka” in the rural areas what meant forceful expropriation of grains and other agricultural products from the peasants. During late Lenin’s period and under serious threat of famine and many peasant revolts the Bolsheviks introduced New Economic Policy (NEP) – temporary “retreat” allowing some forms of the private entrepreneurial activities (cancelled by Stalin in 1927);
4)During fierce anti-religious campaign the Bolsheviks conducted the policy of terror against priests killing them and confiscating church property;
5)The Bolsheviks banned ANY other political parties (including socialist parties) from 1918 turning Russia into one-party state;
6)The Bolsheviks organised the first concentration camp on Solovki Islands, mother of the GULAG, in 1924;
7)There was announced about creation of the USSR in 1922 which was ABSOLUTELY different state based on ABSOLUTELY different ideological, governing and territorial principles.
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