Question by laligurash: What happened to the family of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia? What legend came out of this event?
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Answer by mamabee
They were all executed, but it is believed that Anastasia his daughter was not executed and actually lived.
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lakeshoredreaming says
Tsar Nicholas ll of Russia and his family were executed by the Bolcheviks in 1918. The White Russian soldiers were nearby, and the Bolcheviks feared that they would rally around the Romanovs if they remained alive. The legend of the survival of Anastasia arose from this event. There were numerous stories of the soldiers searching the trains and houses after the event, because she had excaped. Then there were numerous people who claimed to be her. The most famous was Anna Anderson, who after a suicide attempt by drowning was in a Berlin hospital.. She claimed to be Anastasia, and spent many years of her life in the courts trying to prove it. She said she had been rescued by a russian soldier who spirited her out of Russia and married her
before he died..
Shawez S says
chrisvoulg1 says
they were executed by the Bolsevik rebels in 1918. But a legend (without foudations in reality of course) that one of Nicholas' daughters Anastasia did escape…Last year the last Tsar alongise with his familly were canonised as martyrs from the Russian Orthodox Church
Gabby M says
They were all executed! It's a very sad story considering his family did nothing and were innocent bystanders! You should research it because it is very interesting!
Anastasia the youngest daughter of the Tsar was rumoured to have escaped and there were numerous people pretending to be her! The most famous was Anna Anderson from Virgina. It was never proved that she was Anastasia, though!
Napoleon says
Tsar Nicholas and his family were captured by the Bolsheviks and held in the remote city of Ekaterinburg. They were all later shot in July 1918 (not pre planned) but because a rescue column of Czechoslovack soldiers approached the hide out and the soldiers holding the Tsar panicked.
Some points of interest.
The Bolshevicks never referred to Nicholas as 'Tsar' they called him Nicholas Romanov; and just before Nicholas was captured he abdicated in favour of his son. Thus when he was shot he was no Tsar at all.
The English Prime Minister offered the Romanov family political asylum in England BUT the ENGLISH KING WITHDREW THE OFFER!!!!!!!! (not a lot of people know that.)
The rumour that his daughter was spared was finally laid to rest when all their bones were found in the late 1970s.
KLuTZ122 says
i saw this whole documentary on this subject. they were put into a basement where they thought that they were being phtographed, but they were executed. it is said that the dresses the girls wore had diamonds in them(dont ask cuz thats just what i heard) and the bullets bounced off. people thnk that the youngest daughter anastasia lived. scientists are not sure however, because it could be one of her older sisters.
hope i answered your questions.
ps. the legend that anastasia was still alive is what came out of it. =]