Question by L: What happned to the Stalin Monument in Budapest after it was pulled down?
After the Stalin Monument in Budapest was pulled down and the revolt crushed, what happened to the remains of the statue?
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Answer by fullnessoftime
‘Anyway, what people don’t usually say, is that people were very good humoured, it made a big impression on me, the way they called out, ‘Hold on little Joseph!’, I really like that. Because, as we know, he didn’t want to come down, it was hard to pull him down, and may people called out, ‘Hold on little Joseph!’ – which was in no sense a Stalinist shout, but was actually a little bit of popular sportsmanship, because there he was alone now, however big he might be, and we were so many, he also needed encouraging to hold on, and that’s the way people were.’
The Stalin statue was dragged the next day through the streets of Budapest to Blaha Lújza Square, where it was broken up into pieces by souvenir hunters. One of Stalin’s hands was taken by the actor Sándor Pécsi, who, after the restoration of Soviet power, buried the relic in his garden where it remained until the late 1980s. It was eventually unearthed and bought by the Hungarian History Museum for 40,000 forints.
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