Question by mary: If their was a ligit heir to thr Russian throne?
if someone claimed and was proven ligitimte to be a desendent of one of the Grand Duchess Irina Alexandrovna [ the neice of Tzar Nickolas ] want would happen? If by the old Imperil law they could be fit ffor the throne could they start a civil war in Russia if enough citizens and politicens backed them? Because the current Russian govermnt isnt good
Early answers:
Answer by la gata de luna
Unfortunately as you stated the current government is not good. It’s Leader has enough power over the military to shut down any possible revolts. In matter of fact the government would most likely find was to discredit any potential claims to the throne.
Answer by Lili
There are tons of Romanov descendants, and there are known descendants of Irina, the daughter of Nicholas II’s sister, Grand Duchess Xenia. Xenia also had six sons, if I’m remembering correctly, and they have BUNCHES of descendants.
One of Irina’s descendants, her granddaughter, gave a DNA sample that helped prove the identity of the Romanov bones in the 1990’s.
There are many other descendants from other branches of the Romanov family, and there are some arguments about which of these has the best claim to the throne, should the monarchy be revived. However, no one is engaging in war, partly because because it is clear that the Russians do not WANT to revive the monarchy.
Nor should they. They have far more important problems to deal with than that.
In any case, no Romanov alive today meets the succession criteria that were in place in 1918, when Tsar Nicholas and his family were assassinated, which means that no one alive today qualifies to be Tsar according to those criteria. That includes Maria Vladimirovna, the pretender mentioned by another poster. Of course, if Russia did revive the monarchy, the Russian people could create new criteria, but they could also decide to name some non-Romanov as Tsar. They would not be compelled to turn to the old imperial family for their monarch.
One book that will help explain all this to you is Robert K Massie’s “The Romanovs: the Final Chapter”. Massie is the historian of Russia who wrote the famed book, “Nicholas and Alexandra”.
By the way, since under the succession criteria, the throne could not pass to or through a woman, none of Xenia’s and Irina’s descendants qualifies as a possible heir.
Answer by Thomas Lascelles
There is no call for the return of the Imperial family. Nothing would happen. There is a legitimate pretender to the Romanov dynasty. Maria Valdimirovna. She is making a lot of noise about it but so far that’s all it is – noise.
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Apprenti19 says
By the law of Russia, female members of the Imperial Family and their heirs were not eligible to claim the Russian throne, unless there were no legitimate male heirs left. Only males and their heirs can legitimately claim the throne in Russia. Technically they could not marry beneath their station, but technically anyone they married would be below their station, so I don’t think that’s something that would be held to today. Also, there is a huge lack of eligible princesses of suitable rank. The Romanov family, with the exception of Prince Vladamir’s daughter Marie (Vladamir named her head of the family, but that is not possible since women cannot inherit the Russian throne), consider Prince Nicholas Romanovich (aka Prince Nicholas Romanov) as head of the Imperial Family and heir to the Russian throne. In fact, the Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain curtseyed to Nicholas. She has given no such courtesy to Marie.
Will says
Last I heard there were two claimants to the throne of Russia. Both of whom happily live on the Riviera, occasionally shooting a press release at the other one. I’m not sure if either one has ever set foot in Mother Russia.
ʜaʍʍeʀɪтe says
I hope all those so-called «legit heirs to the Russian Throne» remember the fate of the last royal dynasty here in Russia. Because the same fate awaits them for sure if they are dumb enough to imagine themselves as new «rulers» of the Russian people. We the Russians have had enough of those monarchs, so enough so we got rid of them long time ago. Also we have long and good memory. They’ll be neither at home nor safe here — Russia isn’t their land, Russians are proud modern people that won’t tolerate some half-foreign inbred wannabe-emperor. Those «heirs’» time is over long time ago, and they have no meaning for Russia and the Russians. They’re just bums actually, not even related to Russia. To stay away from Russia as far as they can is the best thing they can do — for their own good, and for ours too.
Let the Brits have their monarchy — they just LOVE those medieval feudal remnants.
No one would care, Russians aren’t about royalty any more. Especially since the start, and the overthrowing, of communism.
Troll says
It will be restored of course with me taking over as their Emperor. I will move the capital from Moscow to Chernobyl. Lulz:))
Rico says
They could only claim the throne if they can prove that Grand Duchess Irina and her male line descendants had fully complied with the Imperial House Rules that the marriages were equal).