Question by AndyC: What if Leon Trotsky had taken control of the USSR?
How might a Trotsky led government have affected the course of prewar USSR politics?
What impact could this have had before and during the second world war if it occurred?
Would the war have even occurred?
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Answer by Bilbo
Thanks to an ice pick in the head, we will never know.
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? says
Trotsky claimed that under his leadership the part would have been more democratic and truly represented the proletariat. Trotsky was on the left side of the Bolshevik party, and favoured a World revolution unlike the right wing Bolsheviks who favoured socialism being contained in russia with other countries following suite when russia was a Communist utopia.
Thus is hitler had declared war on Trotsky led USSR as he did with Stalin then trotsky would have been prepared to fight back, or may have even attacked germany first. Trotsky was one of the bolsheviks who objected to the peace treaty lenin made with germany in 1918 and would have wanted to free the german workers.