Question by daisyhead: What cultural influence did the Byzantine empire have on Russia?
the question says: Byzantine empire to Russia (what two specific things did the Byzantine Empire spread to Russia through cultural diffusion?) please help me I need it for a project in my global history class!!!
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Answer by Big D
Between 850 and 1100 the Empire developed a mixed relationship with a new state that emerged to the north across the Black Sea, that of the Kievan Rus’. This relationship would have long-lasting repercussions in the history of Russia. Byzantium quickly became the main trading and cultural partner for Kiev, but relations were not always friendly. The most serious conflict between the two powers was the war of 968-971 in Bulgaria, but several Rus’ raiding expeditions against the Byzantine cities of the Black Sea coast and Constantinople itself are also recorded. Although most were easily repulsed and posed little danger to the Empire, they were concluded by trade treaties that were generally favourable to the Rus’.
Rus’-Byzantine relations became closer following the marriage of the porphyrogenita Anna to Vladimir the Great, and the subsequent Christianization of the Rus’: Byzantine priests, architects and artists were invited to work on numerous cathedrals and churches around Rus’, expanding Byzantine cultural influence even further. In exchange, numerous Rus’ served in the Byzantine army as mercenaries, most notably in the famous Varangian Guard.
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Akerberus says
Just leave an elephant on your teachers desk and she wont check your answer because there's an elephant on her desk. SIMPLE LOGIC
Byzantine is like, a drug or something right?
bjL says
Moscow could be considered the fourth Rome. Prior to the fourth was Kiev (modern day Ukrane), but was under Russian rule at the time. They claimed Kiev was the third Rome. This of course was after the second which was Constantonople or Byzantium. The first is – must I say, Rome!
Also, many religious icons (paintings of saints worshipers venerated) used in Orthodox Russian religions originated in Byzantium.
sk_quest says
A very influential religion and a language.
Religion influenced culture. Russia embraced the religion of Byzantium and saw itself, for a long time, as the torchbearer of Orthodoxy. Religion ruled the day to day life in Russia from clothing (very conservative, the stereotype of a Russian man with a long beard comes from this) to architecture art (Russian icons )
Through interaction with Byzantium, Russia obtained a written Cyrillic alphabet which helped them gain literature and the ability to run a more effective government.