Question by Yam: What is a fast good way to learn Russian?
I used to know russian great but now that I speak more english, I have become so distant and barly know it, like I can understand but speaking is a problem. What is an easy way to regain those skill that I can actually do.
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Answer by Ruckus Jorgee
Try to remember some of the Russian you spoke by thinking for a minute. If you can’t remember it, you can always go online and take Russian lessons. Same way I’d do for Japanese or any other language. Or try to see if any of your old friends speak in Russian. They may be able to help you recover it. I don’t know any Russian so I can’t help you but if you were good at it one time you may be able to gain it back quick enough. Good luck and if you don’t get it right the first time, whatever it is you have to say in Russian, be it Kak Dehyla or Dobre de or anything else, hang in there.
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Nathan says
Tips to help you learn Russian:
Just a suggestion as a first would be to get (Rosetta Stone) it is expensive; but it really works by using pictorial teachings and you will learn things fast.
Another tip: Watch Russian broadcasts (movies) (news) (shows) (presidential addresses) etc… via youtube or television.
Another tip: Try to make contact with some Russia natives you may know, don't be shy (they will most likely be honored that you want to partake in their language.
Another tip: Use this website (it is extremely helpful in any aspect of learning russian, and it even contains 1000s of the most common words, phrases, and verbs + conjugations) at
<a href="” target=”_blank”>
Dust Devil says
Try Youtube:
Allatek lessons
They're all good and they provide quite a lot of information
Also, I got myself a Lonely Planet Phrasebook:
They provide quite a bit of grammar as well as phrases.