Question by John Smith: What is a troika and how did Stalin use it against Trotsky?
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Answer by Amon Göth
An alliance of three, Stalin allied with Zinoviev & Kamanev in a bid to isolate Trotsky within the Politburo
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Dits Engineering says
If you look up the word ‘troika’ in a dictionary, it will say that a troika can be a Russian sledge drawn by three horses abreast or that the word can be used to describe a leadership comprising three persons.
THE TROIKA of Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev was formed with the prime aim of fighting Trotsky, who had missed the opportunity at the Twelfth Party Congress (April 1923) to carry out Lenin’s wish to fight Stalin’s bureaucratism
Their criticism of Trotsky was concentrated in three areas:
•Trotsky's disagreements and conflicts with Lenin and the Bolsheviks prior to 1917
•Trotsky's alleged distortion of the events of 1917 in order to emphasize his role and diminish the roles played by other Bolsheviks
•Trotsky's harsh treatment of his subordinates and other alleged mistakes during the Russian Civil War
Dylan says
Troika's were essentially a part of the government system that was introduced the USSR that would over all determine whether they should silence and individual in fear that it would cause and uprising to over throw the communist government, or just in general kill all who disagreed with the USSR and is usually held liable for the executions of over 600,000 people, I am not too sure what the connection was with Trotsky, however I do know that a member of the NKVD (the same branch under the Troikas) was dispatched to kill Trotsky in his home out in mexico around 1940 but failed. There is what you need to know in a nutshell about Troikas though.