Question by Annette: What is being done to restore Russian power in global politics today?
With all the demise theories about the collapse of the soviet union, what is being done to restore Russian power in global politic today?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Teresa Jackson
Obama was elected to restore Russian power in global politics.
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What do you think?
mark_hensley@sbcglob says
Russia is handing out passports to Russians in Balkan states, in order to claim citizenship among the russian people. Russia's aggressive para-military behavior with the Ukraine and it's military intervention in Georgia, gives it a pair of political legs among other country's citizens. Therefore, when Russia invades, it is protecting its citizens, protecting Russians, which gives it implicit license to meddle in NATO and non-Nato countries affairs.
What Russia needs very badly is to moderate such a heavy handed governmental politic to multinational corporations on Russian soil. The impression of power is being resurrected, but it is the wrong power. They are resurrecting the old Soviet Union. Recently, they had a parade of a show of force, just like the days of Stalin. They have Russian camps for young people, instilling a group think about Prime Minister Putin. Critics are jailed, and both President Medev and Prime Minister Putin are proving thin skinned to any criticism.
This methodology will be left in the dust, because the world will not go back to the past. Technological advancements will not allow it. Russia is flexing it's old iron muscle from the iron curtain. What I would like to see from Russia a greater projection of intelligence and diplomacy that benefits the world community. I would like to see Russia showcase Sochi as a desirable vacation spot. A featured warm invite to visit Russia. The image of Russia is of old industrial power, that know one wants to visit, they may get arrested and be considered enemy of the state for wearing a button of a rival.
On the part of the United States. It is in the best interest of this country to get along with Russia and help Russia become what is possible in the dreams of Putin and Medev in the best and highest traditions of a nationalistic Russia. The balance of power on the globe needs a resurgent Russia as a counter weight to the United States, not an enemy. An additional economic competitor that can drive the global economy, a country who can compete against the growing economic power of China. We need the Russian brain trust to solve humanitarian problems, make scientific discoveries, teach the world the ways of Russian culture.
This old Soviet stuff is a bunch of Bolshevik.
Sound says
Mass propaganda efforts aimed to strike emotional chords in weak individuals in order to reverse the significance of freedom in your life.
S K Duncan says
The Russians don't want the power to invade countries far from their shores. They have no history of doing that. They do feel like it's 1939 all over again. The Nazi encirclement of Russia led to a Nazi invasion of Russia and over 20 million Russian deaths.
The vowed never to let that happen again. Never again….
scaerdrys says
Last time I checked, an invasion of Georgia over dead "peacekeepers" (incidently, the Russian word for "peacekeeper" is the same word as "oil pipeline." Don't tell Hillary.), cutting fuel to Eastern Europe, and selling arms to deranged tyrrants as part of a Russian stimulus plan. Why should anyone care about taking care of Russia, when Russia is doing these things to take care of herself.
SCE2AUX says
"A weak Russia is a good Russia."
-Historical lesson