Question by emeka c: What is holding USA back from going to war with Russia?
Russia is one of the most aggressive nations in the world. I have my reasons for saying this because they invaded Georgia because they didn’t like the Georgian leader, Russia invaded afghanistan in the 1970’s just because they have the power to do it and they are also giving support to the Iranian President who is bent on destroying Israel. It makes me wonder why America haven’t gone to war against Russia. America is the most powerful military power, it spends about 500 billion on its military, while Russia barely spends like 40 billion on its military. What is holding America back from confronting Russia? Thanks for the answers.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Curtis 1911
Russia would starve without the USA.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
johnno says
Scuze me.. Are you for real.. You mean the USA is the most aggresive country in the world.. All they do is go from country to country and either attack them or sanction them .. Just take a look at what they have done since WW II .. I have lost count of the countries that they have attacked.. Attack the weak countries that have oil .. Change their regime .. Steal their resources .. etc.. etc ..You tell me who the war monger is.. and they will not stop until they achieve world dominance.. One day they will under estimate and attack a country that is too big for them and that will bring their demise.. America has been and always will be the biggest aggressor in the world and they just make up lies about countries to justify their wars.. also what gives them the right to come in and invade any country, just because they dont like their regime.. Every one talks about dictators.. But America are the biggest dictators in the world.. They basically want everyone in the world to have a democracy .. and if it is not the same as theirs , then that country is rouge.. and that warrants a regime change.. Not every one wants a democracy like Americas.. Not everyone wants gays and gay marriage .. They will do anything and everything they can to rob the world of resources.. The reason for their aggressiveness , is they believe they are more supreme humans than everyone else , and everyone else is sub human , therefor they should rule the world.. A bit of resemblance to Hitler.. There hasnt been a more aggressive country in the world than America since WW II ..
shorty says
Why even go to war at all we have to many bs wars going on and america cant even handle it cant get out we have no one to send to russia or any where else.
HDH says
Also, eight thousand nuclear warheads.
European Women rocks says
USA knows better than to fight a country that can't fight back.
jeeper_peeper321 says
Because Russia has done nothing to threaten the US.
End of the Story
Heart of Darkness says
Life isn't a video game or a wrestling match…
Not that I support Russia's actions, much of what they've done since the demise of the USSR is reaction to the aggressive actions of the US.
With the rapid expansion of NATO, to include former Warsaw Pact nations and former Soviet States, Russia feels like they are being surrounded, and have reacted. That's why they invaded Georgia, and that's why the Ukraine/Crimea is next.
That's why the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan…to create a launching pad to the Middle East, which means access to a warm water port, the greatest weakness of the USSR/Russia.
Russia is helping Iran because Iran has something Russia needs: CASH. Besides, Israel is making their own enemies, which is why the US needs to quit supporting them.
Once the situation in Central Asia calms down, Russia and the US will become allies. Why? Because China is the greatest military threat in the world, and only Russia and the US together can keep them in check.
havoc says
Your answer in lamens terms; yes we could win a war with Russia as of august 24th 2009, we still have the raw military complex capacity that Russia will not have for another 50 years, also Russia does not even have a million man army, america has a standing army that is close to 3,000,000 with the ability to deploy hundreds of thoasands to russia
The long answer; we would beat russia, but we would have a destroyed economic system+infra.
Jaison says
Russia is to big go to war with us they would kill us they have like a 20 million standing army
Simon P says
The fact that the rest of the world thinks that America is one of the most aggressive nations in the world and is governed in large part by irrational fear and primitive religion.
If America went to war with Russia with no good reason (which there is no reason) the rest of the world would merely have to stop trading with the US for its economy to totally collapse within a week.
The (Teddy Roosevelt says
We're holding back because we don't have a valid reason to declare war on Russia.
That is all.
Justin says
I agree with The (Teddy Roosevelt) Republican. Even though Russia and the US went to war, they will cancel each other out. The nuclear weapons they stored are too massive and will destroy both countries. Think about it.