Question by Perry: what is the best drink to mix with vodka?
i hate drinking vodka strait up! are there any 2-3 ingredient concoctions that i could drink on the beach without going noticed?
south jersey people: what should i get from wawa to mix?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Ashley
I just like to mix it with Sprite, 7-Up or Cranberry Juice.
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Jason C says
Orange Juice.
Rayne says
at the club, vodka red bull
at a cockatill party vodka gimlet, or vodka martini
sneaking alcohol in public- half a bottle of sprite plus vodka plus crystal lite
Holly says
Cranberry juice comes to mind
Morgan says
Cranberry juice-Red bull is good too, esspecially if you have quartered lemons and limes. Try frozen daquari mix as well but thats a bit of a womans drink.
Lyndsey says
I'm not from South Jersey but i'm a big fan of Red Bull and vodka. If you don't want to be noticed get a large Red Bull can and drink some, then pour your vodka in with it and give it a stir with a straw. Another perk of this drink is that you can stay up drinking as long as you want, Cause Red Bull gives you wings!! Oh, and cranberry juice with a splash of OJ is good too.
Anonymous says
i love mixing it with pepsi personally. you can drink about half the pepsi out of a bottle (20oz) and fill it back up with vodka. it keeps the brown color as pepsi so its not as detectable, and theres a good amount of vodka in it but the pepsi takes the edge off the flavor.
Lily the Big says
Tomato juice, black pepper and Worcester sauce. This is a 'Bloody Mary', and is one of the best ways to drink vodka. Another drink is to mix it with cinammon and apple juice.
emily(: says
Cranberry Juice.
Ruby Sierra Mist (Grapefruit flavored).
d says
coke or red bull
Cherry says
Orange juice is great with vodka, it gets rid of the bitter taste and makes it feel almost healthy to drink! Adding grenadine adds a pretty pink layer and a sweeter more tropical taste.
mickeynotmouse says
more vodka.
James F says
orange juice.