Question by John C: What is the reasoning for riding the trans-siberian railroad?
I live in Massachusetts and take Amtrak to DC all the time. It’s a little more than a seven hour ride and i prefer it to flying. But to get from point A to point B, why would you ride a train for almost 6 days?
If you have ridden the trans-siberian, how did you entertain yourself? What do you eat. You must be bored to death.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Hannah Q
Scenery. I’ve lived in Europe for 2 years now, and have a completely different view on things like that. Here, everyone takes things slower. Take your time, enjoy the scenery, enjoy the company of new people sitting next to you. It’s just a different mindset. Very few, but still some Americans are able to live with this mindset. But i think that’s the reason people would choose to take a 6 day train.
oh, and it has a restraunt car, so if you don’t bring food that lasts, you just buy it there in the restaraunt.
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What do you think?
Willeke says
I have not yet done the Trans Siberian, but I have done the Indian Pacific and the Ghan in Australian, (one almost 4 days, the other 2 days.) And before that, my first long travel, was across North America, Washington DC to Vancouver, with side steps to Churchill and Prince Rupert, taking 3 weeks for a trip that could be done in 2.
Long distance trains are not a way to get somewhere, they are a way of travel, a basic part of the holiday itself.
In the train you talk with others who are also traveling, you read, watch the landscape pass and enjoy the knowledge that you do not have to leave for an other day or two.
When you read the holiday brochures about the Trans Siberian railroad you will see that often they offer excursions during the stops or staying over till the next train.
On the long travels the stops are also long, you can often go out and buy your food for the next section, but all long distance trains also have restaurant cars, buffet cars and sometimes also service at your seat.
Rango says
Ohhh man, that is a lifelong dream of mine, I will probably have to wait until I retire, I assure you I wont be bored.
Siberia is not the dull lifeless boring place it is depicted to be, every book I have read is fascinating, I cant wait to see some of it.