Question by Braden J: What is the best vodka for vodka tonics?
I want it to taste like the ones at the bar – they just use a house vodka from a wand.
Does the tonic water change the flavor as well?
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Answer by Trenese
Skyy or Grey Goose
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Audi11 says
Grey Goose
Annie B says
You can use any type of Vodka from a liqueur store you can spend as little as you want or as much as you want. I prefer a smooth Vodka called Grey Goose
regerugged says
Vodka itself does not have a lot of flavor. The tonic water mix is bitter and sweet, so that's what you taste. I would not spend money on good vodka if it is going to be mixed. The best way to drink vodka: Put a bottle of Stolychnia vodka in the freezer. It won't freeze solid. Then just drink it neat. Don't mix anything with it.
leobutterflygoddess says
absolute, or skyy are my faves! : )
Kim M says
Kettle One
esmerelda says
Grey goose or Ketel one – both are smooooooth!
Tonic water doesn't really change the flavor, so much as just waters it down a little.
Add a lemon twist to it…that's what I do!
jumpnjud says
Absolut or Grey Goose – Im sure the tonic water has something to do with it – just experiment till you get the flavor you're looking for.
fuloola143 says
its really a personal preferance… But for me personally I like Stoli.
n8 says
Canada Club Tonic with Belvedere Vodka with a Lemon wedge. Perfect..
fire_emt_girl says