Question by raigafan18: What is the deal with Russia and the arctic resources?
Apparently Russia has begun competing with the US and Canada for resources in the Arctic and are doing things like testing bombers etc and breaching stuff. What’s really going on, and what is the realistic danger to us?
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Answer by Chris S
Russia has decided to be a pest once more and try to challenge the US for piece of the Arctic. The US decides to fight Russia for this.
Both has conveniently forgotten Canada’s soviergnity over the land, and that it’s Canada’s land.
It’s just the US feels a need to check Russia or else it could become more confident, as it has from the Georgia conflict, and eventually fight the US on its own turf, like the Cold War.
Yeah, the US won the Cold War, but it took 60 years, and the US is on the wane, in Afghanistan and Iraq, it’s shown Russia, the US army is not all it’s cracked up it is to be… If another war, between US and Russia begins, it’d be impossible to tell who wins.
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Val says
There are some international rules about how to determine to which country which part of the ocean floor belongs, but the laws are quite sophisticated (serious geological research is needed to state the oceanic borders) and they haven't been in use ever, so Arctic borders are not yet stated.
The Arctic is amazingly reach with the resources, so every country wants to claim it to itself after its own researching and doubts any another country's rights, because rights stated by a bad-known and sophisticated law can be doubted easily.
So the danger to any participant of the conflict is to lose a very rich territory (which has never been in anyone's possession though) and to surrender it to someone else.
I hope nothing more hostile is possible.