Question by John: What is the deal with Russia and Georgia in recent years?
What are some things that russia has done to georgia?
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Answer by Chris Vera
Russia invaded Georgia in order to protect the interests of South Ossetia. The Georgian military had attacked South Ossetia because it claimed that Georgian towns had been fired upon and was responding to those attacks. Russia has strong ties to South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Russia is not willing that these regions should lose their ability to govern themselves without interference from Georgia. Georgia, on the other hand does not want to be subject to attacks from the South Ossetians. Georgia itself was once a part of the Soviet Union but won its independence from it in April of 1991.
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Alex Vorobiev says
Don't worry Saaka the president said that Georgia is modern Swaziland now. )))))))))))
Cossak says
Nothing special,just citizens protection.
nanashi774 says
Oh, this, that, genocide attempts… Georgia started bad stuff. Russia stopped it. Dunno where all the confusion comes from.
Ahmatova says
Russia DID NOT INTERFERE In Georgia!!! Russian armies have entered into South Ossetia to prevent destruction of this country by the Georgian armies which have gone to fight by order of the mad president of Georgia. The president of Georgia has committed an awful crime, having begun military operations in the first day of the Olympic games. Even in the ancient time, when there were many wars, during the Olympic games "the weapon" should be silent. It is the most ancient law. Russian people had mixed feelings at this time laughter and indignation when saw how this situation is presented by the American mass-media. And already all country couldn't constrain a laughter when has seen that thousand Americans consider that Russian have intruded in American state Georgia.
Correct pronunciation of this country not Georgia. Correctly to speak Gruzia.