Question by MARKSTEVO: What is the most famous Chagall piece he ever created?
I am interested to know more about Marc Chagall, and I do not know what are his most famous pieces, at least the most famous lithographs he ever created?
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Answer by sports
So many gorgous Chagalls.. Here are a few famous ones to start
The first Chagall I always think of is “I and the Village”
Lots of YA traffic with “Paris Through the Window”
“Fiancees of the Eiffel Tower” is another one of his very well known works
“La Marlee”
“The Dream”–1939-134975.jpg
“The Promanade”
“Woman and the Roses”
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ckswife says
You know how everybody today is throwing around the word "surreal"? Surreal means dreamlike – an image that has elements of real things and people only there's an unearthly element thrown in that makes the image impossible or unworldly. Some of Chagall's most definitive peices have people or things floating over something, a town or anouther person. Just Google Marc Chagall's most famous paintings and you'll find enough to answer your question.