Question by SteveoBFC: What is the natural border between Europe and Asia?
1. The Kama River
2. The Volga River
3. The Ural Mountain Range
4. The Caucasion Mountain Range
Another homework question, thanks…
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Answer by jrich
3 and 4. The Urals run north/south through Russian from the Arctic Sea to the Caspian Sea. The Caucasus Mountains run between the Black and Caspian Seas and divide Russia from Georgia and Azerbaijan.
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george.gauthierdc says
The Urals are the traditional border. They are also a natural border, the geologic suture between two of the cratons (subcontinents) that plate tectonics stithed together millions of years ago: Baltica and Siberia.
Loren S says
poornakumar b says
3. Ural Mts.
4. Caucasian Mts.
Nomadd says
They teach you that the Urals are the border, but there is no "natural border", because the two aren't separate. People came up with the idea that they were separate continents, not Nature.
linlyons says
3, i presume.
but what i've always questioned is why are they different?
why are they called europe and asia?
should N. America be divided by the Rocky Mountains?
should we differentiate between Asia and India?
i mean, they combined much more recently.